Spatial Joins, Overlay, and Interpolation

Spatial Joins and Overlays

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
array([[7.15409136, 3.95168515],
       [1.77121415, 1.25989631],
       [1.26536581, 9.51477855],
       [7.716052  , 1.42392424],
       [3.50191546, 1.70899307]])
points = [Point(pnt) for pnt in np.random.rand(5,2)*10]
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=points)

pl0 = Polygon([[0,0], [4,0], [4,4], [3, 1]])

pl1 = Polygon([(6,1), (7,2), (5,4), (6,1)])
pl2= Polygon([ (9,5), (9, 7), (4,6), (8,4)])
pl_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry =[ pl0, pl1 , pl2])
b = pl_df.plot()
points.plot(ax=b, color='r')
<Axes: >

gpd.sjoin(points, pl_df)
geometry index_right
2 POINT (5.67725 5.95545) 2
4 POINT (7.48907 6.53570) 2
gpd.sjoin(pl_df, points)
geometry index_right
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4
gpd.sjoin_nearest(points, pl_df)
geometry index_right
0 POINT (9.29616 3.16376) 2
2 POINT (5.67725 5.95545) 2
3 POINT (9.64515 6.53177) 2
4 POINT (7.48907 6.53570) 2
1 POINT (1.83919 2.04560) 0
gpd.sjoin_nearest(pl_df, points)
geometry index_right
0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 4.00000 0.00000, 4.... 1
1 POLYGON ((6.00000 1.00000, 7.00000 2.00000, 5.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4


gpd.sjoin(pl_df, points)
geometry index_right
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4
gpd.sjoin(pl_df, points, how='left') 
geometry index_right
0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 4.00000 0.00000, 4.... NaN
1 POLYGON ((6.00000 1.00000, 7.00000 2.00000, 5.... NaN
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2.0
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4.0
gpd.sjoin(pl_df, points, how='right') 
index_left geometry
0 NaN POINT (9.29616 3.16376)
1 NaN POINT (1.83919 2.04560)
2 2.0 POINT (5.67725 5.95545)
3 NaN POINT (9.64515 6.53177)
4 2.0 POINT (7.48907 6.53570)
gpd.sjoin(pl_df, points, how='inner')  # default
geometry index_right
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4


b = pl_df.plot()
points.plot(ax=b, color='r')
<Axes: >

gpd.sjoin_nearest(pl_df, points)
geometry index_right
0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 4.00000 0.00000, 4.... 1
1 POLYGON ((6.00000 1.00000, 7.00000 2.00000, 5.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4
gpd.sjoin_nearest(pl_df, points, distance_col='distance') # distance is 0 if point is in polygon and multiple records if poly contains more than 1 point
geometry index_right distance
0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 4.00000 0.00000, 4.... 1 1.359027
1 POLYGON ((6.00000 1.00000, 7.00000 2.00000, 5.... 2 2.069406
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 2 0.000000
2 POLYGON ((9.00000 5.00000, 9.00000 7.00000, 4.... 4 0.000000
gpd.sjoin_nearest(points, pl_df, distance_col='distance')
geometry index_right distance
0 POINT (9.29616 3.16376) 2 1.507838
2 POINT (5.67725 5.95545) 2 0.000000
3 POINT (9.64515 6.53177) 2 0.645145
4 POINT (7.48907 6.53570) 2 0.000000
1 POINT (1.83919 2.04560) 0 1.359027


polys = [ [(0,0), (5,0), (5,4), (0,4)],
          [(5,0), (11,0), (11,3), (5,3)],
         [(0,5), (5,5), (5,8), (0,8)],
         [ (5,3), (11,3), (11,8), (5, 8)]] 
pl_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry =[Polygon(poly) for poly in polys])
<Axes: >

buffer = points.buffer(0.5)
base = pl_df.plot(edgecolor='k')
buffer.plot(ax=base, color='g')
<Axes: >

pl_df['pci'] = [45.5, 78.7, 30.5, 102.0]
pl_df['population'] = [4000, 2500, 3000, 1000]
buffer = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=buffer)
buffer['access'] = 'access'
pl_df.overlay(buffer, how='union')
pci population access geometry
0 45.5 4000 access POLYGON ((2.33678 1.99659, 2.32958 1.94806, 2....
1 78.7 2500 access POLYGON ((9.76797 3.00000, 9.75810 2.97241, 9....
2 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((8.82435 3.00000, 8.81769 3.01861, 8....
3 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((6.17484 5.90644, 6.16764 5.85790, 6....
4 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((10.14274 6.48276, 10.13554 6.43423, ...
5 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((7.98666 6.48669, 7.97946 6.43815, 7....
6 45.5 4000 NaN POLYGON ((0.00000 4.00000, 5.00000 4.00000, 5....
7 78.7 2500 NaN POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 11.00000 0.00000, ...
8 30.5 3000 NaN POLYGON ((0.00000 5.00000, 5.00000 5.00000, 5....
9 102.0 1000 NaN POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 9.76797 3.00000, 9...
intermediate = pl_df.overlay(buffer, how='union')
pci population access geometry
0 45.5 4000 access POLYGON ((2.33678 1.99659, 2.32958 1.94806, 2....
1 78.7 2500 access POLYGON ((9.76797 3.00000, 9.75810 2.97241, 9....
2 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((8.82435 3.00000, 8.81769 3.01861, 8....
3 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((6.17484 5.90644, 6.16764 5.85790, 6....
4 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((10.14274 6.48276, 10.13554 6.43423, ...
5 102.0 1000 access POLYGON ((7.98666 6.48669, 7.97946 6.43815, 7....
6 45.5 4000 NaN POLYGON ((0.00000 4.00000, 5.00000 4.00000, 5....
7 78.7 2500 NaN POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 11.00000 0.00000, ...
8 30.5 3000 NaN POLYGON ((0.00000 5.00000, 5.00000 5.00000, 5....
9 102.0 1000 NaN POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 9.76797 3.00000, 9...
<Axes: >

intermediate["access"] = intermediate.access.fillna("no access")
intermediate.plot('access', edgecolor='k', categorical=True, legend=True)
<Axes: >

intermediate[intermediate.access=='no access'].plot(edgecolor='k')
<Axes: >


import tobler
tobler.area_weighted.area_interpolate(pl_df, intermediate, 
population pci geometry
0 156.827435 45.500000 POLYGON ((2.33678 1.99659, 2.32958 1.94806, 2....
1 32.141898 78.699995 POLYGON ((9.76797 3.00000, 9.75810 2.97241, 9....
2 18.423850 102.000000 POLYGON ((8.82435 3.00000, 8.81769 3.01861, 8....
3 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((6.17484 5.90644, 6.16764 5.85790, 6....
4 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((10.14274 6.48276, 10.13554 6.43423, ...
5 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((7.98666 6.48669, 7.97946 6.43815, 7....
6 3843.172550 45.500000 POLYGON ((0.00000 4.00000, 5.00000 4.00000, 5....
7 2467.858046 78.700000 POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 11.00000 0.00000, ...
8 3000.000000 30.500000 POLYGON ((0.00000 5.00000, 5.00000 5.00000, 5....
9 903.162479 102.000000 POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 9.76797 3.00000, 9...
final = tobler.area_weighted.area_interpolate(pl_df, intermediate, 
final['access'] = intermediate.access
population pci geometry access
0 156.827435 45.500000 POLYGON ((2.33678 1.99659, 2.32958 1.94806, 2.... access
1 32.141898 78.699995 POLYGON ((9.76797 3.00000, 9.75810 2.97241, 9.... access
2 18.423850 102.000000 POLYGON ((8.82435 3.00000, 8.81769 3.01861, 8.... access
3 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((6.17484 5.90644, 6.16764 5.85790, 6.... access
4 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((10.14274 6.48276, 10.13554 6.43423, ... access
5 26.137905 102.000000 POLYGON ((7.98666 6.48669, 7.97946 6.43815, 7.... access
6 3843.172550 45.500000 POLYGON ((0.00000 4.00000, 5.00000 4.00000, 5.... no access
7 2467.858046 78.700000 POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 11.00000 0.00000, ... no access
8 3000.000000 30.500000 POLYGON ((0.00000 5.00000, 5.00000 5.00000, 5.... no access
9 903.162479 102.000000 POLYGON ((11.00000 3.00000, 9.76797 3.00000, 9... no access

How many people live within the access buffers?

final[['population', 'access']].groupby(by='access').sum()
access 285.806898
no access 10214.193076

What are the income levels in the two areas?

final[['pci', 'access']].groupby(by='access').mean()
access 88.699999
no access 64.175000