Global Spatial Autocorrelation

Serge Rey

Spatial Autocorrelation

Tobler’s First Law of Geography

Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.

Waldo Tobler

TFL: Blessing or Curse?

Sources of Spatial Variation

  • Compositional Influences

    • Disease rates may reflect differences in age structure
    • Economic growth rates may reflect differences in industrial composition
  • Contextual Influences

    • Disease rates may be due to exposure to pollutants
    • Economic growth may be due to differences in local labor markets/institutions

Contextual Effects

  • Spillovers

    • housing values
    • retail price behavior
    • policy copy-catting
  • Contagion

    • infectious disease spread
    • peer influences/networks
    • neighborhoods provide role models

Objectives of Areal Data Analysis

  • Infer whether there are a spatial trend or pattern in the attribute values recorded over the sub-regions
  • First order variation: Trend in the mean
  • Second order variation: Spatial dependence

Trend in the mean

from geosnap import DataStore
import geopandas as gpd

datasets = DataStore()

from import get_acs
ca = get_acs(datasets, state_fips=['06'], level='tract', years=[2016])
sd = ca[ca.geoid.str.startswith('06073')]
sd['lat'] = sd.geometry.centroid.y
sd.plot('lat', scheme='quantiles', k=10, legend=True,
        legend_kwds={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.3,1)});

Second order variation

sd['p_poverty_rate'] = sd.p_poverty_rate.fillna(0)
sd.plot(column='p_poverty_rate', scheme='quantiles', k=10, legend=True,
        legend_kwds={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.3,1)});

Spatial Dependence


  • Type: Substantive versus nuisance

  • Direction: Positive versus negative


  • Time versus space

  • Inference

Substantive Spatial Dependence

Process Based

  • Part of the process under study

  • Leaving it out

    • Incomplete understanding

    • Biased inferences

Nuisance Spatial Dependence

Not Process Based

  • Artifact of data collection

  • Process boundaries not matching data boundaries

  • Scattering across pixels

  • GIS induced


Boundary Mismatch

  • Even if \(A\) and \(B\) are independent

  • \(A'\) and \(B'\) will be dependent

Nusiance vs. Substantive Dependence


  • Not always easy to differentiate from substantive

  • Different implications for each type

  • Specification strategies (Econometrics)

  • Both can be operating jointly

Space versus Time

Temporal Dependence

  • Past influences the future

  • Recursive

  • One dimension

Space versus Time

Spatial Dependence

  • Multi-directional

  • Simultaneous

Testing for Global Autocorrelation


  • Null Hypothesis (\(H_o\))
  • Alternative Hypothesis (\(H_a\))

Null Hypothesis (\(H_o\))

  • observed spatial pattern of values is equally likely as any other spatial pattern
  • values at one location do no depend on values at other (neighboring) locations
  • under spatial randomness, the location of values may be altered without affecting the information content of the data

Alternative Hypothesis (\(H_a\))

  • there is spatial autocorrelation in the data, indicating that the values of the variable are not randomly distributed over space, but instead exhibit some for of spatial dependence.
  • p-value = probability of getting such a pattern from a spatially random process
  • p-value != probability the process is random

Forms of Spatial Autocorrelation

Positive Spatial Autocorrelation

Positive Spatial Autocorrelation

  • Clustering: like values tend to be in similar locations

    • neighbor similarity
    • more alike than would be expected under spatial randomness
  • Compatible with diffusion

    • but not necessarily caused by diffusion

Negative Spatial Autocorrelation

Negative Spatial Autocorrelation

  • Anti-clustering

    • neighbor dissimilarity
    • more dissimilar than they would be under spatial randomness
  • Compatible with competition

    • but not necessarily caused by competition

Spatial Autcorrelation Statistic


  • Formal test of match between value similarity and locational similarity

  • Statistic summarizes both aspects

  • Significance

    • how likely is it (p-value) that the computed statistic would take this (extreme) value in a spatially random pattern

Join Counts

Binary Variable

high_poverty = sd.p_poverty_rate > sd.p_poverty_rate.median()
sd['high_poverty'] = high_poverty * 1
sd.plot(column='high_poverty', categorical=True, legend=True,


sd.explore(column='p_poverty_rate', legend=True,
           tooltip=['high_poverty', 'p_poverty_rate', 'geoid'])
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Spatial Joins

from esda.join_counts import Join_Counts
from libpysal.weights import Queen
w = Queen.from_dataframe(sd)



\[w.s0 = \sum_i \sum_j w_{i,j}\]

  • Number of non-zero values in \(w\)
  • 2x the number of joins


import numpy as np
sd['neighbors'] = np.array(list(w.cardinalities.values()))

sd.explore(column='p_poverty_rate', legend=True, 
           tooltip=['high_poverty', 'p_poverty_rate', 'geoid', 'neighbors']) 
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Spatial Lag

\(L_i = \sum_{j} w_{i,j} B_j\)

  • the spatial lag is the number of B neighbors
  • if the focal unit is B, then it involved in as many BB joins as it has B neighbors
  • if the focal unit is W(hite), it is involved in 0 BB joins

Spatial Lag

from libpysal.weights import lag_spatial
sd['BNeighbors'] = lag_spatial(w, sd.high_poverty)
sd.explore(column='p_poverty_rate', legend=True, 
           tooltip=['high_poverty', 'p_poverty_rate', 'geoid',
                    'neighbors', 'BNeighbors']) 
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Join Counts

from esda.join_counts import Join_Counts
from libpysal.weights import Queen
import numpy as np
w = Queen.from_dataframe(sd)
jc = Join_Counts(sd.high_poverty, w),, jc.ww
(660.0, 667.0, 682.0)

\(BB =\frac{1}{2} \sum_i \sum_j w_{i,j} B_i B_j = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i B_i L_i\)

Join Counts Inference

jc.p_sim_bb, jc.mean_bb,
(0.001, 502.2142142142142, 660.0)

Moran’s I

Moran’s I

\[ I = \dfrac{n}{\sum_i\sum_j w_{ij}} \dfrac{\sum_i\sum_j w_{i,j} \, z_i \, z_j}{\sum_i z_i^2} \]

  • \(z_i = y_i - \bar{y}\)
  • \(\sum_i \sum_j w_{i,j}z_i z_j = \sum_i z_i \sum_j w_{i,j} z_j = \sum_i z_i l_i\)

Moran’s I

from esda.moran import Moran
from libpysal.weights import Queen
mc = Moran(sd.p_poverty_rate, w, transformation='r')
mc.I, mc.EI, mc.p_norm, mc.p_sim
(0.5345296697872074, -0.001594896331738437, 1.1152317274459047e-123, 0.001)


Recap of Key Points

  • Spatial Autocorrelation
  • Join Counts
  • Moran’s I
